TRADUKI rezidencijalni program 2022: Tijana Rakočević


Nastavljajući dugogodišnju saradnju sa Mrežom TRADUKI, P.E.N. Centar u BiH će u 2022. godini ugostiti troje rezidenata u okviru nekoliko tipova rezidencija. Tim povodom će u Sarajevu, u oktobru i novembru, boraviti književnica Tijana Rakočević.

Tijana Rakočević je rođena 23. 6. 1994. godine u Podgorici. Doktorantkinja je na Filološkom fakultetu u Nikšiću (Odsjek za crnogorski jezik i južnoslovenske književnosti). Stipendistkinja je Crnogorske akademije nauka i umjetnosti za 2016/17. godinu i bavi se naučnim radom. Objavila je jednu knjigu poezije (Sve blistavi kvanti), a njeni radovi – eseji, prikazi, pjesme i priče, prevedene na nekoliko svjetskih jezika ili u originalu – mogu se naći u regionalnoj književnoj periodici. Zamjenica je glavnog urednika u izdavačkoj kući „Fokalizator“. Bila je saradnica Crnogorske akademije nauka i umjetnosti, Centra savremene umjetnosti Crne Gore, Muzeja i galerija Podgorice i Zavoda za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva Podgorica, a trenutno je zaposlena u Vladi Crne Gore.

Dobitnica je prve nagrade na konkursu za najbolju kratku priču u Crnoj Gori za 2019. godinu, u organizaciji Podgorica art festivala, autorka je najbolje bihorske priče (2020) i najbolje queer priče regiona (2021). Takođe, dobitnica je Nagrade Ministarstva kulture za najbolju kratku priču prijavljenu za IPA projekat HAMLET (Interreg IPA prekogranični program saradnje Italija ‒ Albanija ‒ Crna Gora), prve nagrade na konkursu Instituta „Goethe“ iz Zagreba za najbolju pjesmu na temu pitke vode (2021) i treće nagrade na konkursu Američkog ugla za najbolju priču inspirisanu životom i radom američkih književnica („Granica“, 2021).

Članica je Crnogorskog PEN centra.

TRADUKI rezidencija će joj otvoriti prostor, kako kaže, za pisanje proze koja tematizira aktuelna, najčešće globalna politička pitanja i koja sa sobom nosi univerzalnu poruku. Priče koje nastanu za vrijeme rezidencijalnog boravka u Sarajevu naći će se u zbirci priča na kojoj trenutno radi i čije se objavljivanje očekuje krajem godine:

Književni proizvod koji bi tom prilikom nastao tretira kulturnu i mentalitetsku prepletenost ukrajinskog i ruskog naroda, a zatim i suočavanje sa prošlošću koje bi, bez sumnje, doprinijelo boljem razumijevanju sukoba. Priča ‘Izdajnik’ prati sudbinu dva lika, Andreya i Andriia ‒ prvi je Rus, drugi Ukrajinac; prvi je učesnik sanktpeterburških antiratnih demonstracija, drugi je ukrajinski pristalica ruske agresije sa prebivalištem u Harkivu; prvi je, kao izdajnik, uhapšen i odveden pravo u smrt, drugi je, takođe izdajnik, raščerečen od strane svojih sunarodnika. Priča nudi uporedni pregled njihovih životnih filozofija koje su, iako međusobno vrlo različite, motiv da se pažnja usmjeri na uzaludnost ratovanja općenito, ali i da se lojalnost domovini, kao vrlo fleksibilna kategorija, stavi u prvi plan i podvrgne novom vrednovanju.

Druga planirana priča, čiji je radni naslov ‘Drugi val’, nizom interpretativnih tehnika opservira epidemijsku stvarnost i konkretizuje posljedice dvaju različitih stilova života: onog koji ne mari za očiglednu opasnost, i onog koji je se bezmjerno plaši. U njenom središtu su dvoje ljudi koji, jedno iz straha a drugo zbog prezira prema njemu, ni pored očigledne privrženosti ne uspijevaju da se usaglase oko susreta odnosno oko uslova pod kojim on treba da se dogodi, što je svojevrsna metafora za društveni poredak u kojem različiti svjetonazori koegzistiraju samo ako ne dolaze u međusobni dodir. Njihov sastanak, obilježen grotesknim, ali očekivanim raspletom (u kojem jedno od njih, ono zdravo, ono koje je sve vrijeme preduzimalo mjere predostrožnosti, postaje žrtvom neodgovornosti onog drugog, intoksikovanog) takođe je vješt alegorijski prikaz načina na koji kontakt dviju suprotstavljenih ideja u post-truth eri rezultiraju gotovo apokaliptičnim epilogom. Takođe, važno je istaći da se (i) u ovoj priči očituje interesovanje za budućnost subjekta izolovanog unutar svog mikrokosmosa; on je, kao i umjetnik, nespreman da se suoči sa izloženošću. Sâma rezidencija je oblik izolacije, zar ne?

Pored spisateljskog rada, Tijana Rakočević će se posvetiti organizaciji i realizaciji različitih kulturnih događaja koji će poslužiti da se bolje upozna sa lokalnim književnim auditorijumom i da predstavi svoje aktivnosti na najbolji mogući način.

Continuing its cooperation with the TRADUKI Network, the PEN Centre of B&H will host three residents in 2022, and within several types of residencies. The third resident and author Tijana Rakočević will stay in Sarajevo during October and November.

Tijana Rakočević was born on June 23, 1994 in Podgorica. She is a PhD student at the Faculty of Philology in Nikšić, Department of Montenegrin Language and South Slavic Literature. She is a scholarship holder of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts for 2016/17. and engaged in scientific work. Tijana Rakočević has published a book of poetry (All that Shining Quantums), and her works ‒ essays, reviews, poems, and stories, translated into several world languages or in the original ‒ can be found in regional literary periodicals. She is a member of the editorial board of the Montenegrin magazine for literature and culture Fokalizator (Focalizer). She was an associate of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (CANU), the Center for Contemporary Art of Montenegro (Centar savremene umjetnosti), also the Institute for Textbooks and Teaching Aids Podgorica (Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva), and is currently employed by the Government of Montenegro.

Rakočević won the first prize for the best short story in Montenegro in 2019 in the competition organized by the Podgorica Art Festival and is the author of the best story inspired by mountain Bihor (2020), a best queer story of the region (2021), Ministry of Culture Award for a best short story for the IPA project HAMLET (Interreg IPA cross-border cooperation program Italy‒Albania‒Montenegro), first prize in the competition of the Institute „Goethe“ from Zagreb for the best poem about water (2021), and third prize in the competition of the American Corner for the best story inspired by life and work of American writers (Granica/Border, 2021).

Tijana Rakočević is a member of the Montenegrin PEN Center.

She believes that the TRADUKI residency will open up space for her to write prose that engages with current, mostly global political issues and that carries with it a universal message. The stories to be written during the residential stay in Sarajevo will eventually find their place in a collection of stories that she is currently working on and which is expected to be published at the end of this year.:

The literary product that will be made on this occasion will deal with the complex relationship between the Ukrainian and Russian people in the terms of culture and mentality, but it will also deal with the past in a way that would contribute to a better understanding of the conflict. The short story Izdajnik (Traitor) follows the fate of two characters, Andrey and Andrii – the first one is a Russian, and the other one is a Ukrainian; the first one is a participant in the antiwar protests in Petrograd, the other is a supporter of the Russian invasion who resides in Harkiv; the first one, as a traitor, gets arrested and lead directly to death, and the other one, also as a traitor, gets murdered by his compatriots. This story offers the parallel view of two different life philosophies that, even though being diametrically opposite, both direct the reader’s attention to the futility of war in general, but it also recontextualizes the concept of loyalty to one’s homeland, depicts it as a very flexible category, and puts its re-evaluation in focus.

The other short story, with a working title Drugi val (The Second Wave), in various interpretative techniques observes the epidemic reality and depicts the consequences of two different lifestyles: the one that disregards the obvious danger, and the other which is extremely frightened. In the center of the story are two people who, one because of the fear, and the other because of the contempt for that fear, even despite the obvious mutual affection, can’t come to terms with their meeting, and the conditions in which it is supposed to happen. This is a metaphor for a social order in which different worldviews coexist only if they don’t come into contact with each other. Their meeting, characterized by a grotesque, but also expected end (in which one of them, the healthy one who followed the precautionary measures all the time, becomes a victim to the responsibility of the other one) is also a skillful allegorical depiction of the ways in which the contact of the two opposed ideas in the post-truth era often results in an almost apocalyptic epilogue. In addition, it is important to point out that this story, too, contains the interest in the future of a subject that is isolated in their own microcosmos; the protagonist is, just like the author, too, unready to face the exposure. A residential stay is, in itself, a form of isolation, too, isn’t it?

Along with literary work, Tijana Rakočević will dedicate herself to the organization and realization of different cultural events that will serve as an opportunity to familiarize even more with the literary audience in Sarajevo, and to present her activities in the best possible way.

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