TRADUKI rezidencijalni program 2022: Viola Rohner


Nastavljajući dugogodišnju saradnju sa Mrežom TRADUKI, P.E.N. Centar u BiH će u 2022. godini ugostiti troje rezidenata u okviru nekoliko tipova rezidencija. Tim povodom će u Sarajevu, u augustu i septembru, boraviti književnica Viola Rohner.

Viola Rohner je rođena 1962. u Männedorfu, Švicarska. Studirala je njemačku filologiju, historiju i psihologiju u Zürichu i Berlinu, a radi kao profesorica u srednjoj školi i kao profesorica kreativnog pisanja. Autorica je romana, kratkih priča, pozorišnih predstava i knjiga za djecu, a za svoj rad dobila je nekoliko nagrada i stipendija. Godine 2019. bila je u Kairu tri mjeseca na rezidenciji fondacije Pro Helvetia. Boravak u Sarajevu u toku sedam sedmica, kao dio Rezidencijalnog programa za pisce u jugoistočnoj Evropi, za nju je odlična nova prilika da proširi svoj kulturni horizont i stupi u kontakt sa ljudima iz različitih zemalja.

Web stranica Viole Rohner

Viola Rohner. FOTO: Lukas Maeder.

Continuing its cooperation with the TRADUKI Network, the PEN Centre of B&H will host three residents in 2022, and within several types of residencies. The second resident and author Viola Rohner will stay in Sarajevo during August and September.

Viola Rohner was born in 1962 in Männedorf, Switzerland. She studied German Philology, History and Psychology in Zürich and Berlin and works as a highschool teacher and as a teacher for creative writing.  She is an author of novels, short stories, theater plays and children’s books and got several prizes and grants for her work. In 2019 she was in Cairo for three months in a residency from Pro Helvetia. Being in Sarajevo for seven weeks as a part of the Writers in Residence Program in Southeast Europe is a new great opportunity for her to widen her cultural horizon and to get in contact with people from different countries.

Viola Rohner’s website

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