P.E.N. Centar u BiH želi upozoriti domaću i međunarodnu javnost da politička kriza u Bosni i Hercegovini, uzrokovana višedecenijskim destruktivnim djelovanjem radikalnih nacionalističkih politika, ovih dana zbog ekstremističkog djelovanja dijela političkih elita i jednostranog narušavanja Daytonskog mirovnog sporazuma, kojim je 1995. godine okončan rat, eskalira do te mjere da izravno ugrožava mir i sigurnost. Oblaci rata, o kojem se, pod utjecajem opasne retorike pojedinih političara, otvoreno govori u javnosti, opet su se nadvili nad našom zemljom. Zlo isključivog nacionalizma i šovinizma ponovo prijeti oružanim sukobima.
P.E.N. Centar u Bosni i Hercegovini stoga najoštrije osuđuje krajnje ozbiljne prijetnje miru i ustavnom poretku BiH, koje posljednjih dana izriču pojedini visokopozicionirani bosanskohercegovački političari, prvenstveno član Predsjedništva BiH iz Republike Srpske Milorad Dodik. Politika eskalacije sukoba, militantna i secesionistička retorika koja je prati, najava konkretnih akcija u cilju destabiliziranja i razbijanja zemlje te uvođenja pravnog haosa, unosi nemir u ionako nesigurno društvo koje se desetljećima urušava djelovanjem upravo takvih neodgovornih političara, koji su zarad ostanka na vlasti očito spremni na sve, pa i na to da zemlju ponovo dovedu na ivicu rata da bi zaštitili sebe. Sve ovo se događa tačno trideset godina nakon što je osuđeni ratni zločinac Radovan Karadžić u svom čuvenom govoru u Parlamentu RBiH, u sličnom retoričkom modusu, najavio rat, u kojem će 100.000 građana naše zemlje izgubiti život, a biti raseljeni milioni ljudi, i koji će za posljedicu imati najstrašnije zločine, uključujući i genocid, te za sobom ostaviti uništeno i duboko traumatizirano društvo. Kad gospodin Dodik u svojim najnovijim nastupima direktno najavljuje scenarije s početka devedesetih godina, onda to predstavlja najgrublji udar na mir u BiH i neposredno ugrožavanje sigurnosti i slobode svih građana.
Pozivamo sve relevantne domaće i inostrane faktore, i međunarodnu zajednicu, ali i pravosudne institucije u zemlji, da hitno spriječe dalju eskalaciju, sankcioniraju odgovorne i da ovaj put, za razliku od devedesetih godina, djeluju na vrijeme, prije nego što razvoj situacije izmakne kontroli. Također pozivamo sve odgovorne da potrebnim reformama uklone strukturalne pretpostavke koje generiraju ovakvu atmosferu neprestanog konflikta. Na svima njima je velika historijska odgovornost za ono što će se događati u narednim danima i sedmicama.
P.E.N. Centar u BiH
Statement of the PEN Centre of Bosnia & Herzegovina Regarding the Current Political Crisis in Our Country
The PEN Centre of Bosnia-Herzegovina wishes to alert both the domestic and the international public that the political crisis in our country is escalating to the point of becoming a direct threat to peace and security. This is due to decades of radical nationalist policies’ destructive actions and lately due to some political elites’ extremist actions and unilateral violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which ended the war in 1995. The clouds of war (which is being openly spoken of in public under the influence of certain politicians’ dangerous rhetoric) hover over our country once again. The evil of nationalism and chauvinism threatens armed conflict again.
Therefore, the PEN Centre of Bosnia-Herzegovina strongly condemns these very serious threats to peace and constitutional system of our country, which have been made in recent days by certain high-ranking Bosnian politicians, primarily by the member of the presidency from the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik. The policy of escalating conflict, accompanied by militant and secessionist rhetoric, as well as planned actions aimed at destabilizing and breaking up the country and creating legal chaos, bring unrest to an already unstable society that has been collapsing for decades due to such irresponsible politicians. They are clearly prepared to do anything to remain in power, even to bring the country back to the brink of war in order to protect themselves. All this is happening exactly thirty years after the convicted war criminal Radovan Karadžić held his famous speech in the Parliament of the then Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina in a similar rhetorical mode. Back then, he opened up the possibility of a war; the war which followed resulted in 100000 citizens of our country losing their lives, whilst millions of people were displaced, and the most heinous crimes, including genocide, were committed, leaving behind a destroyed and deeply traumatized society. When Mr. Dodik directly refers to the scenarios from the early 1990s in his latest appearances, then that represents a most severe attack on peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina and a direct threat to the security and freedom of all its citizens.
We call on all relevant national and international factors, both the international community and the country’s judicial institutions, to promptly prevent further escalation and sanction those responsible. We call on them to act promptly, unlike they did the 1990s, and before the situation gets out of control. We also call on all those responsible to implement necessary reforms that will remove the structural assumptions that generate this atmosphere of constant conflict. All of them have a great historical responsibility for what will happen in the coming days and weeks.
The PEN Centre of Bosnia & Herzegovina
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